SiriusXM hosts a catalog of wide-ranging podcast shows, and more fascinating than the shows are the listeners that tune in. Through their suite of analytics and user data, the SiriusXM team developed 15 personas based on the type of audiences that regularly stream their podcasts. Given the data, we developed an art direction and created a branded omnichannel experience at a podcast trade conference. The experience included 3D animations fitted for different screens present at their booth, trading cards distributed at an SXM keynote, and a companion microsite where users could download their full audience insight report.
SiriusXM Podcast Network
podcastreport2023.sxmmedia.com →
Design Direction
Creative Direction
User Experience
Web Design
Print Design
Social Media
3d Illustration
John Hatheway 3d Animator & Illustrator
Avi Jacob Motion Designer
Ingamana Web Development
Putting a Face to a Name
Audio can be a mysterious and personal thing. Podcasts, often listed to by individuals rather than groups, provide a unique blend of excitement and comfort which we captured for the art direction of this project. The monochromatic 3D illustrations evoke the collective SXM Podcast personas and are brought to life through the neon glow and lighting angles as their perspective shifts and changes. These illustrations were then applied to various omnichannel touchpoints for their Who’s Trending campaign.